Monday 7 November 2011

Mastheads and lures analysis

The main text elements of a front cover page are the masthead and the lures. here is some analysis of the masthead and lures from two major music magazines of different genres
1. Kerrang: Rock
2. The Source: Hip Hop/Rap

Lures play a huge part in selling the magazine as it makes people want to look inside, a well placed inset image also does this role but lures are seen more often than inset images as they feature in more magazines and are rarely left out. I will conform to the convention of lures in my magazine and may also feature inset images.
The Masthead is the key piece for magazine completion as they display the name of the magazine in the most bold and eye-catching ways. I will make sure to keep this bright in my magazine as it will need to catch potential readers attention.

From this research I have learned that I will need too use bright and bold, eye-catching lures and mastheads if I am to achieve a professional quality for my magazine.

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