Monday, 14 November 2011

Contents Development and Final Analysis

This is the analysis of the development of my final Contents page.
Version 1:

The First contents page is quite bad. it shows some of the conventions like Competition sections and pictures with related page numbers. However it lacked a categorised contents and had a huge amount of dead space. This will begin to be corrected in version 2.

Version 2:

This version has smaller text in the story lines allowing space for more features, the problem was these features were not added and an increase in the the problem of dead space has come about.

Version 3: Final

This version saw the dead space filled which has meant that the page looks more professional and eye-catching. I have shown more conventions like the categorised contents and I have added features like the Subscription, Review and Website sections. This is the best version and shows the most conventions.

For the contents page I could have done better as the section feels rushed and defiantly the weakest of my areas. more time in planning and development was needed here.

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