Wednesday 16 November 2011

Evaluation: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Through my Preliminary and Main tasks i have conformed to most conventions of magazines. I have used a masthead, lures, a bar code and issue information, categories like features and monthly in the contents page. The reason I have conformed to conventions is because the conventions that are used by magazines are tried and tested, they work and achieve the purpose of a magazine, which is to attract a readers attention so conforming to them means that my magazine should attract attention and potentially sell.

I have also used iconography related to the genre like the photo of the guitarist on the contents page (Right). which shows the fashion and instruments, which are iconic in the genre of music that my magazine covers.

In some areas however I have challenged the conventions of magazines like in my preliminary task where I did not use a bar code on the magazine which is an important convention as it is necessary for the magazine to be sold. The reason for not using this convention is because my research shown that magazines of this kind do not need a bar code as they are not sold, they are given out. The main front cover that I used for research (Found here) challenged a lot of convention with the bar code not featuring. As seen in the website, the magazine can be downloaded not bought so the bar code is unnecessary.

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