Monday 14 November 2011

Front Cover Development and Final Analysis

This is the Development and final version of my front cover.
Version 1:

It Contains all of the codes and conventions from my research like Masthead, lures, barrcode and issue information. The problems are 

Version 2: 

This version involved rearranging the lures on the page to make space for a band list at the bottom which is another convention that can be seen in existing products. I have also varied the font for the main lure to create a more interesting look for the page.

Version 3: Final
The final edit saw the stroke removed as it improved the clarity of the text.

I think I could have improved my photography which is one of my weaker points as i had to have a re shoot and even after that some of my pictures could not be used. The improvement of my photos would have meant an overall better final piece as the cover would have been made more eye catching.

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