Wednesday 16 November 2011

Evaluation: How did you attract/address your audience?

To attract my audience I had to use the codes and conventions of magazines mixed with the right colours and photography.

The first thing I used was the colour scheme which was important in attracting the audience. the bright yellow and red colours that I have used demand attention which is why I have used them over the other, darker, colours the I drafted. This is because the bright colours stand out against the darker ones that the magazine may sit along side. However there may be other similarly coloured magazines about so other tools must be used to make the image stand out.

The Photography and composition of the key image on the front cover is very important to attract the audience. I have selected an image for my front cover that is a large attractive shot of the two artists. I have tried to apply media theories to attract the audience in this shot by using Gaze theory  where readers will be attracted by the people on the cover, the idea being that men wish to be like the men on the cover and girls want men that are on the cover. The effect this has is attracting readers to look at the magazine on the shelf.

The Photo also covers part of the Masthead meaning that attention is drawn from Masthead to Key Image and Viceversa.

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