Monday 31 October 2011

Preliminary task research

For my preliminary task I am creating a school magazine. the purpose of this is to prepare me for the main task so I am ready to create a better final piece. This post will contain my research
Codes and conventions of magazines
These are the basic conventions of all magazines. From this I learned the basic conventions which I must conform to when creating magazines.

For part of my research I decided to take a questionnaire to get a feeling for colours names and content ideas.
I Used:
Colours: red, white, black,
Name: Trinity sixth
Audience: Sixth Form

There was a possible problem in that the sample for the questionnaire was mainly sixth form which may have caused a bias in the results. I would do this differently if used in my main task.

Audience Targeting: Colour Scheme
Colour Scheme is important as it is what catches the audiences attention. here are examples of how colour scheme is used in magazines of different genres and target audiences.

I will use this research and make sure I keep colour schemes bold and eye catching During my preliminary task and main task.

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