Monday 31 October 2011

Preliminary task development

V1: Had few lures and the colours of the lures meant that they were lost in some points
V2: more lures and colours were changed. I also noticed that one of the lures text colour remained black.
V3: Black lure was rectified.
V4: Title was boxed to make it stand out better as I was harder to read against the natural background of the picture. I also made the logo smaller as it was unnecessarily big but I did notice that it looked swamped in the white box. The lures were also turned red as the whites and blacks were lost in certain positions so I made the decision to turn them red to completely rectify the problem completely. 
V5: The box and title were shrunken and the logo was dropped into the smaller white box so that it didn’t look swamped by the dead space. The issue information was also bought up into the box and one final lure was added

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