Monday 31 October 2011

Preliminary task final analysis

This is the final preliminary piece The conventions of the classroom were important to show because of audience targeting the shot shows computers and poster of the classroom. This is a way of showing who my target audience are. The main conventions are the posters, displays and computers which are a common sight in most classrooms.
The title and issue information are also codes and conventions of magazines. Mastheads and logos are always common and information about the date and issue numbers are also important features. Some common features are omitted in this cover though. Things such as the bar-code and price are not shown, this is because of the nature of a school magazine which is not sold usually so I have subverted these conventions on purpose.   

To Compare my work to this existing product, I think that my piece conforms to all the conventions in this such as a bold masthead, use of a large key image covering the page, lures containing information about inside stories and the issue information seen in all magazines

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