Monday, 31 October 2011

Preliminary task conclusion

From my preliminary task I have developed skills which I will use to create a better main task. I learned that I need to use a greater variety of images, need to cram my contents page with eye catching information that will entice the reader for more, I also need to make my front cover more visually appealing. I will apply this to my main task which should make the overall quality of the piece better.

Preliminary task final analysis: Contents

This is the finished contents page. It does a good job of conforming to conventions as it has a small inset image of the cover with descriptions of the cover story, it has a detailed contents with descriptions of the stories. it also has common conventions in a competition and editorial section.

Preliminary task development: Contents page

V1: Lots of dead space another oversized logo and not enough content.
V2: Less dead space, competition added, logo smaller and a longer editorial added to fill space, small picture of cover added.
V3: Spelling mistakes changed.
V4: a huge step was taken here. Extra information added to the storylines, logo dropped into the top corner, competition made smaller

Preliminary task final analysis

This is the final preliminary piece The conventions of the classroom were important to show because of audience targeting the shot shows computers and poster of the classroom. This is a way of showing who my target audience are. The main conventions are the posters, displays and computers which are a common sight in most classrooms.
The title and issue information are also codes and conventions of magazines. Mastheads and logos are always common and information about the date and issue numbers are also important features. Some common features are omitted in this cover though. Things such as the bar-code and price are not shown, this is because of the nature of a school magazine which is not sold usually so I have subverted these conventions on purpose.   

To Compare my work to this existing product, I think that my piece conforms to all the conventions in this such as a bold masthead, use of a large key image covering the page, lures containing information about inside stories and the issue information seen in all magazines

Preliminary task development

V1: Had few lures and the colours of the lures meant that they were lost in some points
V2: more lures and colours were changed. I also noticed that one of the lures text colour remained black.
V3: Black lure was rectified.
V4: Title was boxed to make it stand out better as I was harder to read against the natural background of the picture. I also made the logo smaller as it was unnecessarily big but I did notice that it looked swamped in the white box. The lures were also turned red as the whites and blacks were lost in certain positions so I made the decision to turn them red to completely rectify the problem completely. 
V5: The box and title were shrunken and the logo was dropped into the smaller white box so that it didn’t look swamped by the dead space. The issue information was also bought up into the box and one final lure was added

Preliminary task research

For my preliminary task I am creating a school magazine. the purpose of this is to prepare me for the main task so I am ready to create a better final piece. This post will contain my research
Codes and conventions of magazines
These are the basic conventions of all magazines. From this I learned the basic conventions which I must conform to when creating magazines.

For part of my research I decided to take a questionnaire to get a feeling for colours names and content ideas.
I Used:
Colours: red, white, black,
Name: Trinity sixth
Audience: Sixth Form

There was a possible problem in that the sample for the questionnaire was mainly sixth form which may have caused a bias in the results. I would do this differently if used in my main task.

Audience Targeting: Colour Scheme
Colour Scheme is important as it is what catches the audiences attention. here are examples of how colour scheme is used in magazines of different genres and target audiences.

I will use this research and make sure I keep colour schemes bold and eye catching During my preliminary task and main task.