Tuesday 24 January 2012

8330 Gemma Vernon Advanced Portfolio in Media: Storyboarding

8330 Gemma Vernon Advanced Portfolio in Media: Storyboarding:   Page 1   Page 2   Page 3  Page 4  Page 5  Page 6      Page 7 ...

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Evaluation: Who would be the audience for your media product?

The Target audience for my music magazine would be alternative music fans who are young (14-25). The reason I have chosen this group is because the content of the magazine features young acts who are in their early twenties upwards.

I have chosen the content carefully to suit this audience by featureing content like the Adele album review as Adele is a young artist, and a ticket competition for reading and leeds festivals which is an event, popular among the target audince of the magazine.

The use of Gaze theory is also important to the target audince. my photography features younger people because the target audince would not be attracted to photos of older people.

Evaluation: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

From My preliminary task to the main task I learned a great deal to do with time management, photography and Layout.

The first thing I learnt was about time management which I felt was the weakest area in my preliminary task which was rushed in some aspects. For example I spent a large amount of time researching front covers an worked less on contents page research. Which meant that my contents page production for the preliminary task was not as good. I rectified this for my main task by spreading my time between all aspects of my production which shows in the progress from my preliminary task contents page, to my main task contents page.

With the production of both tasks I felt that my time management was bad and I would improve this if I was to do this again.

Another area I learned a great deal about is photography. In my preliminary task I only had one good photo to use which made my production very poor. I improved this in my main production as I had two photoshoots that allowed me to take a large amount of images that gave me a huge amount to choose from to make my main task the best it can be. when taking photos I also learned about composing shots better as in my preliminary task I did not give space in the photos for the production of a magazine around it. I learned from this and for my main production I left space for construction elements like the Masthead, Lures and the article.

The last area I felt I improved on through my tasks was the Layouts of my page which I improved on a huge amount. For example, my contents page layout in the most drastically changed from preliminary to full product. this is because of greater care in research and production was taken by me to get the layout right this time, I used a categorised contents and different sections to eliminated dead space and create a professional looking product.

Evaluation: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

During the project i used Adobe Creative Suite 3 where I used Photoshop Cs3 and Illustrator Cs3 (Screenshot Bellow).  

I have had experience using both these programmes in GCSE so have previously produced work. I feel like I used this experience to produce my magazine more quickly and easily. However I did learn some thing through the construction of this product particularly with using text in illustrator. where I have learned how to wrap text like is shown in the video bellow.
I have also used new technology to research and develop my product in the form of Blogger which I have used to post all aspects of my project for research, drafting, development and evaluation. This was completely new as I have never used a blog before, however I am used to using the internet and use it for work and free time. Blogger was easy to get used to as I understand most of the functions that are used in Blogger already from using Facebook and Twitter of which blogger is similar the difference being that for the purpose of this media blog the address is more formal.

Evaluation: How did you attract/address your audience?

To attract my audience I had to use the codes and conventions of magazines mixed with the right colours and photography.

The first thing I used was the colour scheme which was important in attracting the audience. the bright yellow and red colours that I have used demand attention which is why I have used them over the other, darker, colours the I drafted. This is because the bright colours stand out against the darker ones that the magazine may sit along side. However there may be other similarly coloured magazines about so other tools must be used to make the image stand out.

The Photography and composition of the key image on the front cover is very important to attract the audience. I have selected an image for my front cover that is a large attractive shot of the two artists. I have tried to apply media theories to attract the audience in this shot by using Gaze theory  where readers will be attracted by the people on the cover, the idea being that men wish to be like the men on the cover and girls want men that are on the cover. The effect this has is attracting readers to look at the magazine on the shelf.

The Photo also covers part of the Masthead meaning that attention is drawn from Masthead to Key Image and Viceversa.

Evaluation: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

The Most Common stockist of my music magazine would be small shops, Music stores and supermarkets as these are the most common stockists of music magazines of all genres as well as newspapers and publications from other areas in the media such as driving magazines and fashion magazines. This is why the cover must be eye catching as there are many competitors that will be considered by the customers.

There are other places where the magazine my be sold via other media platforms. For example on the app store for iPhone where the newsstand app makes thousands of publications available for digital subscription. This is an example of new media technology is being used to supply media to customers and shows how media institutions, such as the ones that publish magazines, have to diversify in order for sales to continue.